Ciência Aberta para o Desenvolvimento
Caros, tive o privilégio de estar em Londres na primeira semana de julho participando do planejamento inicial do projeto Open Science for Development, que apoiará financeira e academicamente projetos de pesquisa envolvidos com práticas científicas abertas, seja por estudá-las ou colocá-las em prática.
O encontro foi organizado pela Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF, Reino Unido), para definir os fundamentos do projeto encomendado e financiado pelo International Development Research Centre (IDRC, Canadá). Estima-se que o aporte total será, de início, de cerca de dois milhões de dólares compartilhados entre 20 a 50 projetos.
A fase final de planejamento acontecerá na Áfricado Sul em 11 a 13 de Setembro, quando num workshop receberemos novos participantes para que conheçam melhor a proposta, ajudem a formalizar a chamada de projetos, e decidam se desejam aplicar ou contribuir como revisores e mentores dos projetos aprovados.
Já estão abertas as inscrições! As despesas dos selecionados serão cobertas pelo IDRC.
Segue abaixo o email original da Jenny Molloy, coordenadora do grupo de trabalho em Ciência Aberta da OKF Global. Os interessados devem mandar as informações indicadas, em inglês, para até 24 de julho.
We are delighted to announce that OKF is collaborating with the OpenUCT Initiative at the University of Cape Town in an International Development Research Centre funded project to develop a southern led research agenda for open science for development.
We hope to use this as an opportunity not only to explore research into open science but also to really push community building efforts in the global south and identify a strong network of open science advocates and practitioners – maybe setting up some new local open science groups along the way!
You can read more in out project proposal.
A small group met in London last week to set the ground work for a larger workshop in Cape Town 11-13 September 2013 and the results of that meeting will be available online shortly.
We hope you are as excited about this opportunity as we are and in the spirit of the exercise we will be making both the process and outcomes as open as possible.
Therefore, if you would like to apply to participate in the Cape Town meeting please send us a brief half page introduction to yourself including answers to the following questions:
Why is this project of interest?
What expertise and experience do you bring?
What would you like to see come out of this project?
Preference will be given to participants from developing countries in order to further the aims of the project and full funding will be provided.
There is a short deadline of 24 July 2013 so please spread this invitation through your networks, particularly contacts you might have in the global south. If selected, we will organise travel and flights as soon as possible.
Best wishes